Thursday, 7 January 2010

Just a quickie

So I've ordered this camera online, but what with England being covered with snow I still don't got it. And what use is a fashion blog documenting regular awesome people without any photos of said people? Very little use, that's how little.
But I do have one little tip that I'm posting so I don't forget to write daily. This one's for the ladies, and it is a little thing, that is nonetheless important. It helps frame your face, make the most of your eyes, and generally look a little prettier and well groomed than before. Ready?

Pluck. Your. Eyebrows.

Seriously, whether you have fair, thin little brows like me, or eyebrows that, as a friend put it, scare small children, a nice, neatly shaped brow will always look good.

Tips: Pluck from the lower side of the brow, as that way you get a more natural shape. Thin the hair out more towards the outer ends, but don't be tempted to go too thin, as that can look pretty odd. Similarly, unless you have a monobrow, don't pluck too much from the middle.

Tip for gothy girls: You may be tempted at some point to shave off your brows and draw on cool severe ones or fun arty ones a la Amanda Palmer but a word of warning: unless you do this without fail EVERY DAY you will look like a weird alien. Or very angry. It varies.
Also, you always see girls at festivals with drawn-on brows which they've clearly done in a less-than-sober state, which gives them very off expressions.
If you fancy the drawn-on look, try the glue stick method (yes it's a real thing, there are full tutorials on youtube) to slick down hairs, giving you that hairless-face feeling.

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