Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Creature Feature: Beth Ditto

Beth Ditto, Beth Ditto, spokeswoman for fatties and lesbian ladies everywhere. Her flab speaks to mine, and encourages it to get on the cake; it’s looking a bit undernourished. Thusly she is the perfect place to start a blog devoted to the view that everyone can look icy cool and amazing, no matter where, who, what size, what gender or what sexuality they are. People who put that extra effort in every morning deserve to be celebrated, and I’m going to be the one to celebrate them.

So, to Miss Ditto. I’m a somewhat fan of her music, but that’s fairly irrelevant in a style blog. Her views on fashion are what I love, her screw-it-why-can’t-chubbers-wear-acid-washed-hotpants-and-get-naked-on-stage persona. Anyone checked out her collection at Evans? You should, it’s like a retro scenester and a highlighter pen had a baby, so pretty cool.*
Also, she gets naked:

On the cover of NME


On the cover of Love

And everyone needs a body-confidence boost now and again.
See, someone could say that she succeeds despite her fatness, but rather she makes it work for her. Her figure makes me think of scoops of icecream, which have been dipped in chocolate, and then instead of a cherry on top there's a pretty face, with a little swirl of hairdo on top. She looks larger-than-life, and like if you met her you’d feel overwhelmed by her charisma and fun, but in a good way. You go girl!**

*That said, when I put on several pounds and said to a friend ‘Oh well, at least there’s still Beth Ditto’s collection at Evans’ he responded with ‘Yes… but I don’t want you to have to shop at Evans, it makes me sad’ and after a moment contemplating it, I kind of agreed. I mean, have you seen the cut of their ‘jeans’?

** Everyone please read that in an ironic way, not in a lol-English-girl-using-Americanisms-what-is-she-insane? kind of way. Thanks. Also I really want some icecream now.

1 comment:

Hi! If you want to comment on anything on the blog, put it in here! Also, if you want to send a pic of yourself wearing something awesome and get on ma blog, then please email me via my full profile (it's over there at the side).